Saturday, August 18, 2012

What I Wore: Friday, Aug 17

Lately I've been trying to "grow up" my style, my wardrobe especially. I've got some really old gems in my closet, most of which I forget I have on a regular basis. So, this morning when I woke up I wanted to wear something I haven't worn in a long time. Partly because I now, for the first time in my life, have no washer and dryer where I reside *shudder*, and mostly because I just did laundry yesterday and just got finished hanging everything up. 

I pulled out of the very far reaches of my closet my yellow and grey striped skirt. I've had this skirt for 2+ years and have only worn it once. I also got {this} skirt, same thing in dark colors! They were both on clearance out at Old Navy for 6 bucks each, a steal. 

And then if that wasn't enough, I saw my "bow belt" as I call it. I've had it for about 5 years, have never ever worn it. It came with a button up shirt and was not flattering on where it sat on me. Then I gained a shit ton of weight and couldn't fit into it. 

I will never claim to be great at dressing myself. I love how this turned out though, and apparently so did about 7 customers and a co-worker. One lady was even bold enough to reach over the counter and feel the fabric. 

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