Monday, February 21, 2011


So I talked about having to redo a book cover for class and I finally finished it! 
it's probably one of the things that I'm most proud of that I've done. :] 

original front book cover

redone book cover with back and flaps

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I feel like I keep posting. Which really I do. But I did this tutorial, and I love how it turned out! So I thought I'd share :] 

 I made it with Photoshop, and it wasn't hard once I got the commands down :]
I found the link here or you can go to creative nerds and see the best 100 tutorials. I also got this one from there...


I went back and edited some old photos I took and I loveeee them :]
This one is my favorite :]
It was a barn next to my old house :] 


So I decided to try on my prom dress from high school today and I noticed I fit into it a lot better than I used to! Which I still want to be smaller, but considering I gained about 10 pounds when I moved out and then lost 20 last year to combat that is good!

It's not the biggest difference in the world, but it makes me happy knowing I'm getting smaller! :D